====== virt-v2v-Tests ======
===== Vorbereitungen =====
libguestfs + libguestfs-appliance, nbdkit nbdkit-linuxdisk-plugin - supermin?
nbdkit-Daemon muß laufen?
modprobe nbd
nbd install? --> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/658076/cannot-get-nbd-to-work
===== Treiber-CD =====
Quelle: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/virt/virtio-win/direct-downloads/latest-virtio/virtio-win.iso
* Achtung: Derzeit aktuell ist virtio-win-0.1.221.iso. Die iso muß nicht ausge-dateit werden; iso nach /usr/share/virtio-win kopieren. iso muß dann zu virtio-win.iso umbenannt werden (oder Link dieses Namens setzen).
===== Tests =====
virt-v2v -i vmx Debian_10_x86_64.vmx -o local -of qcow2 -os /var/lib/libvirt/images/
virt-v2v -i vmx Debian_10_x86_64.vmx -o libvirt -of qcow2 -os qemutest -n default --> "virt-v2v: warning: could not determine a way to update the configuration of
virt-v2v -i vmx Windows10_Scanner_UG_RZ_Druckraum.vmx -o libvirt -of qcow2 -os qemutest -n default
Läuft gut durch. VM hinterher problemlos startbar, aber:
virt-v2v: warning: /usr/share/virt-tools/pnp_wait.exe is missing.
Firstboot scripts may conflict with PnP.
virt-v2v: warning: there is no QXL driver for this version of Windows (10.0
x86_64). virt-v2v looks for this driver in /usr/share/virtio-win
* Nach VM-Start qxl-Treiber händisch aus iso installiert - geht.
virt-v2v: warning: this guest has Windows Group Policy Objects (GPO) and a
new virtio block device driver was installed. In some circumstances, Group
Policy may prevent new drivers from working (resulting in a 7B boot error).
If this happens, try disabling Group Policy before doing the conversion.
virt-v2v: This guest has virtio drivers installed.
Zwischendurch aufgetreten, nicht mehr seit 0.1.221:
The guest will be configured to use slower emulated devices.
virt-v2v: This guest does not have virtio drivers installed.
[ 148,9] Mapping filesystem data to avoid copying unused and blank areas
[ 150,8] Closing the overlay
[ 151,0] Checking if the guest needs BIOS or UEFI to boot
[ 151,0] Assigning disks to buses
virt-v2v: warning: removable CD-ROM device in slot 0 clashes with another
disk, so it has been moved to a higher numbered slot on the same bus. This
may mean that this removable device has a different name inside the guest
(for example a CD-ROM originally called /dev/hdc might move to /dev/hdd, or
from D: to E: on a Windows guest).
virt-v2v: warning: removable CD-ROM device in slot 1 clashes with another
disk, so it has been moved to a higher numbered slot on the same bus. This
may mean that this removable device has a different name inside the guest
(for example a CD-ROM originally called /dev/hdc might move to /dev/hdd, or
from D: to E: on a Windows guest).
virsh undefine VM-Name --remove-all-storage